Talks and presentations

Conference Proceeding talk on ‘A Vibe da Cidade’

May 07, 2018

Conference proceedings talk, 36ª Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, II Workshop de Computação Urbana, Campos do Jordão Convention Center - Campos do Jordão, São Paulo

In this talk, I presented at a national conference - SBRC COURB further discoveries about popularity patterns categories of establishments that occurs across several cities.

Conference Proceeding talk on ‘Popularity Signatures’

December 13, 2017

Conference proceedings talk, ComSoc - II Workshop de Computação Social, Federal University of Technology Parana (UTFPR) - Curitiba, Paraná

In this talk, I presented at a local Social Computing workshop - ComSoc - our preliminary results about business popularity patterns of in different cities. [Video in Portuguese]

Conference Proceeding talk on GPBUS System

September 22, 2014

Conference proceedings talk, Anais do FOCO - Uma Visão das Atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento na Área de Computação. Curitiba: Positivo, 2014. v. 4., Positivo University - Curitiba, Paraná

This presentation at the local computer forum - FOCO - was about the website called ‘Sistema GPBUS’ that provided several types of information (e.g., routes, position) regarding the bus system in Curitiba using the Google Maps API and data collected from the bus company Urbs. This project was originally developed as the final project of SENAI’s Information Technology technician course.